I'm Joeylene @jorenrui, a product engineer with 2.5+ years of professional experience who has TailwindCSS, TypeScript, ReactJS, NextJS and Rails in her toolbelt.

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Joeylene Rivera | Software Engineer

🙋 Frequently Ask Questions

Areas I want to improve as a dev.

  1. CSS & Animations.

    For this I'm currently taking Josh's CSS for JS Dev course. I have huge respect on him regarding this field. 😊

  2. ReactJS - specifically testing and optimization.

    One of the core or techs I mostly use is ReactJS, that is why I want to learn more about it. For this, I'm doing the Epic React Course.

  3. Accessibility

    As a dev, I would want to make the apps that I make accessible to everyone. Sadly, I lack in these areas. So far, I'm still looking for resources for this.

  4. Ruby / Rails

    For now, I'm sticking with the docs and learning as I work on our Rails app.

Techs I'm curious about.

  1. Elixir / Phoenix
  2. Svelte
  3. React Three Fiber


mini projects.
